Alternating the thrust vector in an omnipresent system?
-Going nowhere fast!
Search #Interface2037 ready for inquiry
Infinity/Universe ∞
{DEF} {Formula} 0=8
Show me the source of the #light sorcerer, or try to explain it with the source of darkness to lead the way for the future.
Infinite %nothingness% vs. Infinite consciousness (creativity)
Triggering %nothingness% into existence
Continuity will make us feel safe & sound, still we need a contingency plan A/head!
Emptiness comprise most of the universe and the molecules in the body, most commonly known as the the void or the vacuum. On a metaphysical #level beyond perception. A vacuum is nature's default state.
What is [space]? Is a [space] is spacious or a [confined] space? Does [space] only exists when there's stuff in it? Does [space] only have a meaning when it's enclosed by [walls]? What is the meaning of %distance% if it doesn't have a starting and end point? Does [space] have form? Does it have structure or shape? Is it just a [place] where things happen? Does the %distance% B/#tween {objects} defines [space]?
#Lv0 Entry point. Euclidean geometry △ Not absolute, a triangle is mad /up of 180° but with curved lines in space, it could be 3x90°=270°. Legendary text: The Elements, describing the properties of space. Esoteric mathematics. {If} geometry △ bends and warp, {then} we can {define} gravity.
What are the properties of emptiness, %nothingness%, vacuum and empty space?
Is a black hole going in two %different% directions at the same time?
• Loop
• Feedback loop
• Infinity loop
Infinite time & space.
The Big bang theory is the Greek God Chaos theory.
The Big bang was a %constant% blow expanding the universe eternally (light) vs. infinitely (darkness), whilst there are no such thing a mathematical %constant% in the universe, questioning Einstein's #lv7 relativity theory. The Big bang theory in a reversal analysis turns into the 'Cosmic Web' shaped and form by gravity to become a cluster. It's what everything might look at on the largest scales (#lv6 scalability).
The rate of expansion is accelerating (#lv7 tangent of velocity). It means that sometime in the future we won't be able to #lv6 visualize the universe, meaning the end to the established science (means deducting religious beliefs), as we know it with visual testimonies, as the source material of evidence.
{If} infinity is forever, {then} infinity = eternity (I recoil on that rhetoric)
#Lv2 Infinite pasts vs. Infinite futures (∠ Entangled)
Infinitesimal calculations
{DEF} Calculus: The branch of mathematics that deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences. The two main types are differential calculus and integral calculus.
{Formula}: 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128+1/256+1/512+1/1024...∞ = 1 (Successive approximation).
{Formula}: ∞ + ∞ = ∞
{Formula}: ∞ + 1 = ∞ (If we subtract infinity from both sides, then 1 = 0 false)
{Formula}: ∞ + ∞ = ∞ (If we subtract infinity from both sides, then ∞ = 0 loop)
{Formula}: ∞ = ◯ = π (3,14....)
{If} we #lv6 scale #lv8 infinity ∞, {then} we still got ∞
A #lv12 ◯ is an #lv8 infinite ∞ collection of #lv0 points.
{If} we draw radii from a center point towards an outer circle, the equivalency is the same in the center point as well as on the outer circle.
Infinity/Universe ∞
#Netflix #Room [6:0:8] A Trip to Infinity (2022)
#Lv4 Outside [world] vs. #Lv8 Inner universe (The void)
%Continuity% provides a safe [haven]
Next #level #lv8 hardships, #lv7 [book] of #relativity / ship types.
8: Universe
8: Cycle [6:9]
8: Octet (time lapse done with just 1 octet)
8: Life/death (cycle)
%Nothing% is a %constant% in the universe and the so-called established science lost its #roots for a [foundation] trying to explain black holes, nowadays.
8H Social Science, house of Scorpio, #lv8 hardship.
9H Pseudoscience, #lv9 Mediumship, MC as the #lv9 spiritual ASC, traditional astrology.
None of you have reached the universe in %loneliness%, only not longing to belong before %loneliness% became your song.
The universe is [8]. Some say the universe is {Binary}
#Ripley8 (Alien: Resurrection)
The Adams' family (Atoms)
Forward look /up!
Hydrogen → Helium → Carbon → Oxygen → Phosphorus → Silicon → Calcium
Closest to the Sun Carbon on Mercury and farthest from the Sun Carbon + Hydrogen (Methane, black ice).
☢️ U238 Reverse look /up! ☢️
is available as dominating isotope of Uranium. Since it is radioactive, it decays all the way to
Pb206, which is a stable isotope of Lead. In that process, there are 14 daughter isotopes generated.
1. U238 decays to Thorium234 emitting alpha.
2. Thorium234 decays to Protactinium234 emitting beta.
3. Protactinium234 decays to U234 emitting beta.
4. U234 decays to Thorium230 emitting alpha.
5. Thorium230 decays to Radium226 emitting alpha.
6. Radium226 decays to Radon222 emitting alpha.
7. Radon222 decays to Polonium218 emitting alpha.
8. Polonium218 decays to Pb214 emitting alpha.
9. Pb214 decays to Bismuth214 emitting beta.
10. Bismuth214 decays to Polonium214 emitting beta.
11. Polonium214 decays to Pb210 emitting alpha.
12. Pb210 decays to Bismuth210 emitting beta.
13. Bismuth210 decays to Polonium210 emitting beta.
14. Polonium210 decays to Pb206 emitting alpha.
This ends the chain of decay of Uranium as final Lead isotope (Pb206) is not radioactive.
☢️ Uranium [2:3:5] 92 Protons and 143 Neutrons, naturally mined is Uranium [2:3:8] ☢️
☢️ There are four decay chains ☢️
The uranium series starts with uranium-238 ends with lead-206.
The thorium series contains thorium-232 and ends with lead-208.
The actinium series contains uranium-235 and ends with lead-207.
The fourth chain, called the neptunium cascade, doesn’t have a long-half-life isotope at its top, so the members of the chain are very uncommon. It ends with thallium-205.
The interesting thing is, that due to the high density of lead, it is very effective at reducing radiation exposure from x-rays and gamma rays. Because of the efficient shielding properties and relatively low price, Lead shielding is used in many industries, such as healthcare, nuclear energy, research, security, and many others.
1 octet: Celtic wheel of the year
Options: 8, 12, 16 - 1, 1½, 2 octets.
With only one octet, I prefer #lv7 as the next /generation.
8: 1 octet (360/8=45°, a Celtic circle)
12: 1½ octets (360/12=30°, a zodiac)
16: 2 octets (360/16=22.5°, experimental)
Numeral system: Hexadecimal (0-9 + A-F)
In the geostationary orbit A/round earth an artificial satellite like the #ISS orbits 16 times a day.
Pythagoras meant that the {Formula}: 6+4=10 is the #initio of the next /generation (11: Uranus).
When Pythagoras was A/round the Trans-saturnian planets were not yet discovered, and that is the %difference% B/#tween modern and traditional astrology.
Egg of Columbus
A rhetoric philosophical question, what came first the chicken or the egg?
Is this the infancy of our solar system? Egg yolk as the sun and egg white as the medium for light?
The egg shell's oval shape looks like elliptical orbits A/round the sun, where Venus has the most circular orbit.
Trinity △
1. Egg Shell
2. Egg White
3. Egg Yolk
Capt. Christopher Pike in Star★Trek: Discovery [S02E01]
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Sci-Fi say math is the most universal language we have, in case we should encounter an alien species.
It is the outmost most stupid language ever invented. The intellect of man was cursed since the day of dawn. Due to a #lv6 scalability 1,000.000 = 1. Another zero is exactly another zero. That's why women are astrophysicists these days. The rest graded (F) for failed like me (while I was good with atomics), since we began to stuff more and more students into one classroom.