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Marble on wood

Line of Orientation

- The Lines -

Connecting all the •dots•
It takes an astrophysicist to build a 3D engine for the computer
- A dash is a line B/#tween two •dots•
- A dash is the beginning to a #horizon
- A dash is a -baseline-
- A [dashboard] (creation of websites)

{Combinations} with •dots• and -dashes- enumerate systems, like the Morse code alphabet, musical score notations and astronomical navigation with logical assemblies.


You can download this UWP APP from Microsoft Store to /generate your own Morse Code (CW)
The following text a/bout Pythagoras was /generated with Open AI Chat GPT
"Pythagoras played a major key role in the evolved tone scale. He was the first to propose that the pitch of a note was in direct proportion to the length of the string that produced it. He also believed that the intervals B/#tween notes were in direct proportion to the lengths of the strings that produced them. This theory became the foundation for the modern-day musical scale."

Basics: A straight -line-
Advanced: Spline & Bezier
"God doesn't build anything in straight lines" (Prometheus 2012)
Linear vs. nonlinear
Dashed line vs. solid line

Hyphen: The sign -, used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence (as in pick-me-up, rock-forming ), to indicate the division of a word at the end of a line, or to indicate a missing or implied element (as in short- and long-term).


A few lines
A linear model
A simple line
An ethical line (crossing a line)
Allied lines
Allocated line
Along this line; Along the lines
An orderly line
Aspectary lines (astrology)
Ass on the line
Assembly line
Baseline; Patrol baseline
Bearing line
Beeline (a straight line between two places)
Betting line (positive(+) vs negative(-) betting lines)
Bio-pulse line (Battlestar•|•Galactica)
Bloodline (#Lv7 ship type: Kinship)
Blue line
Bold line
Borderline (also borderline #personality disorder)
Bottom line
Boundary line; Bounding line
Brake lines
Bunker line
Bus line
Career on the line
Center line
Central line
Continuous line (Perimeter forming the boundary of a closed geometric figure)
County line
Credit line
Crooked lines
Crossing a line; Don't cross the line
Curve(d) lines (Sinuous)
Cubicle lines
Dashed line
Deadline (Cutoff point)
DEW line (Distant Early Warning Line, RADAR)
Diagonal line
Direct line
Dividing line
Dotted line
Down the line
Draw the line
Dress line
Drop me a line (to send (someone) a brief note or message.)
End of the line
Endless line
Enemy lines; Behind enemy lines; Behind own lines
Ethical line
Fall in line (Military command)
Family line (kinship)
Fault line
[Fence] line
{Field} lines (Magnetic)
Finish line
Fire line; Firing line
Flatline (Heart rate)
Form a line
Fortification line
Front line
Frontier line
Fuel lines
Gantline (Nautical terms)
Gas line
Geodesic lines
Germ line (Genetic science)
Get in line
Girtline / Girdline (Girdle)
Goal line
Graphable line
Great line
Hard line
Heading in the right direction
Head line (chiromancy, also known as palmistry)
Heart line (chiromancy, also known as palmistry)
Help line
Hold the line
Horizontal line
House line / House training line
Hydroponic line
Imaginary line (Borders)
Immigration lines
Impassible line
Inside line
Interrupt line; Interrupt Request Line (IRQ)
Kármán line
Landline (telephone line)
Lateral line (Fish)
Leading lines
Ley lines
Life line (chiromancy, also known as palmistry)
Life on the line
Line B/#tween science and science fiction
Line dancer/dancing
Line gets blurred
Line in the sand (Draw the line)
Line of business
Line of coke/cocaine
Line of conference
Line of credit
Line of defense / First line of defense / Last line of defense
Line of duty
Line of equipment
Line of fire
Lines of force
Line of ghosts / Ghost lines
Line of investigation
Line of patrilineal descent (#Lv7 kinship)
Line of shots
Line of sight
Line of speech; Several lines of speech
Line of the mountains
Lines of travel
Line of work
Line producer
Lining /up for the grand #illusion
Long line (fishing); Long line of....
Map lines / Lines on a [map]
Marginal line
Marine lines
Marking the line
Memorable line
Mine{field} clearing line
Movie line
Navel line
Nazca lines
Next in line
New line of thought
Online (On-line)
Opening lines (of a poem)
Out of the line
Paranatellonta lines (Paran lines, Horizontal lines A/round the globe, astrocartography)
Parish line
Party lines
Phase line (military language)
Picket line
Pick-up line (score line)
Plumb line
Police line (do not cross)
Potential line
Poverty line
Power lines
Product line; Production line
Progress line
Psychological line
Punchline (aim of a joke)
Punctured line
Purse-line (purse seine ship)
Put someone on the line (push 'em)
Putting your life on the line
Read B/#tween the lines
Research line
Ridge line
Royal line
Rope line
Secure line; insecure line
Sewer line
Shipping lines
Shoulder line
Sidelines (2)
Silver lining (idiom, optimism)
Sire line/Sireline (#Lv7 Ship type: Kinship)
Socioeconomic lines
Solid line
Stand in line
Starliner (Spacecraft)
Starting line
State line
Static over line (Radio noise)
Stay on line
Stemline; Stem Cell Line
Stop line
Straddle the line
Straight line
Streamline (Slipstream, politics)
Subway line
Supply lines
Takeoff line
Taking the hard line
Tan lines
Telephone line (Landline)
The thin line B/#tween
Themed line (Dotted line, bold line, etc.)
Timeline; Cosmological Timeline
Tip line
Toe the line; Toe the party line
Top of the line (Product line)
Track lines
Train lines
Tree line
Trend lines
Tripping the line (Thx 2 Kylie Minogue for this one) 
TSA line
Umbilical line
Unbroken line (#Lv7 Kinship: Seventh son of a seventh son)
(Un-)secure line (Telephone line, Landline)
Unshielded line cords (STP/UTP Network cables)
Unshielded sample lines (Radioactive material)
Unwavering line
Vertical line
Voting lines
Wait in line
Walking in a straight line
Walking the fine line between Pagan and Christian (Or just walking the line)
Water lines
Wavy lines
Weak line
White lines
World line (A curve in space-time joining the positions of a particle throughout its existence)
Yield lines (Shark's teeth)

In the end it turns out that a #line was more likely to be a thread.

A partial #line before you walk straight into the abyss or /over the [edges] of the world.


Danish examples
2. Linie vs. linje (I perioden 1955-2001 var der valgfrihed mellem linie og linje, men siden 2001 har linje været den eneste korrekte stavemåde.)
0. Punkteret linje (Dotted line)
1. Stiplet linje (Dashed line)
1. Buet linje
1. Kurvelinje
1. Stoplinje
1. Vigelinje
1. Forsvarslinje / Frontlinje
1. Retlinet
1. Retningslinjer
1. Skillelinjer
2. Sidelinje
2. Faselinje
3. Meldelinjer
4. Landlinje
5. Forsyningslinjer
1. Bundlinje
6. Himmellinje (Skyline)
6. Kystlinje
6. Molslinjen (Færgerute)
7. Arvelinje
7. Ikke-adelig linje (Oxholm descendants /inbound!)
8. Prototypelinje; Prototypesorteringslinje (8:#Recycling, 12:#fremtidig mulighed for 6:#opskalering)
12. Ringlinje (Busrute)
Beyond #lv0 and #lv1 things begin to become part of complexity. Here we can implement the use of artificial intelligence to sort things /out!
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