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Marble on wood


Triangulum Galaxy

Δ Triangles/Trinities/Triplets Δ


Now, is a good time to introduce the word 'axiom' (aksiom). It means a #lv0 starting point for reasoning.

Should two and two come together well, a 3rd leg to stand upon, comes together as a theorem.

The word 'axiom' (aksiom) is the tribe of the word ax or axe. A cleaving #lv2 for further /inspection!

Top 1 definition of axiom

1. Choices only lead to changes

2. Changes are no good, nevertheless inevitable

3. There are no answers, only choices

Trinity Constructs

Statsministerens Nytårstale (2025)

1. USA innoverer

2. Kina Kopierer

3. Europa Regulærer

Art of cooking 

1. Creation

2. Experimentation

3. Improvisation


1. Starter

2. Main course

3. Dessert


1. Svinekød (Krebinetter)

2. Gris/Kalv (Frikadeller)

3. Okeskød (Hakkebøffer)


1. Coated Aluminium Skillet (Medium Heat)

2. Iron Cast Grill Pan (High Temperature)

3. Griddle Pan (High Quantity Industry)


1. Stumble

2. Rumble

3. Tumble


1. Suicide

2. Homicide

3. Genocide

Joining a movement △

1. Seduction (great interest in you)

2. Disruption phase (defend yourself from outside criticism)

3. Culmination (devote your body and soul to your guru)


1. God is a nihilist

2. Jesus is a partisan

3. Satan is an opportunist

Purposes in life

1. Something to live for

2. Something to die for

3. Something to kill for

Whisky Trinity

1. Man takes a drink

2. The drink takes another drink

3. The drink takes the man

Heuristic Semantics △

1. Predator

2. Prey

3. Parasite

Sex idiom △ (coherent aphorism meaning the chase is better than the catch)

1. Find

2. F**k

3. Forget


1. Masochism

2. Sadism

3. Sadomasochism


1. Practical

2. Intellectual

3. Spiritual

Transformers △

1. Choices

2. Changes

3. Chain Reaction

[Website] ☐

1. Layout △ (Back Office)
2. Design △ (Back Office)
3. Content △ (Front Office)

Heuristic/Semantics (Front Office)

1. Formal Semantics △

2. Lexical Semantics △

3. Conceptual Semantics △

Star✩Trek NCC-1701

1. Ambassador (C-class)

2. Galaxy (D-class)

3. Sovereign (E-class)

Star✩Fleet Command △ (NCC: Naval Construction Contract)

N: Navigation Officer

C: Communication Officer

C: Commanding Officer

Star✩Trek Propulsion △

1. Manual Thrusters

2. Impulse Speed

3. Warp Speed

Science Division △ (☐: Also Astrobiology)

1. Astrophysics (Dots, numeral universe)

2. Astronomy (Lines, logical link layer)

3. Astrology (Guidance, phenomenal universe)

O/rientation △

Astronomical horizon

True horizon

Visible horizon

The three majors (Astrology) △

1. The Sun

2. The moon

3. The ascendant (Asc)

Aspect categories △ (Astrology)

1. Minor Aspects

2. Major Aspects

3. Grand Aspects

Modalities (Astrology) △ [3:4:7] 3 Modalities + 4 Elements = Relativity (7) | 3x4=12 (Circle)

1. Cardinal

2. Fixed

3. Mutable

Reconstruct △

1. #Roof

2. #Rook

3. #Root

Pyramid construct △

1. Pythagoras

2. Philosophy

3. Philanthropy

Level system △

1. Low level

2. Mid-level

3. High level

Township △

1. Uptown

2. Midtown

3. Downtown

Noise Characteristics △

1. White noise

2. Pink noise

3. Brown noise

Electric current

1. Alternate current (AC)

2. Direct current (DC)

3. Bipolar pulsating direct current

Sea level △
1. Blue water (Open ocean)
2. Green water (Coastal waters, ports and harbors)
3. Brown water (All navigable rivers and their estuaries)

Organizational Units (OU) △

1. Den lovgivende magt (Legislature, a system of delegating powers)

2. Den dømmende magt (The judiciary, independent of the other authorities)

3. Den udøvende magt (Executive power)

Idiomatic expressions △

1. Judge

2. Jury

3. Executioner

U.S. Army Marines △

1. Improvise

2. Adapt

3. Overcome

Presidium △ on the Podium

1. Prime Minister

2. Minister of Defense

3. Minister of/for Foreign Affairs (Secretary of State)

Nazi Organization △/☐

1. SA (Sturmabteilung)

2. SS (Schutzstaffel)

3. SD (Sicherheitsdienst)

4. [Gestapo] (Geheime Staatspolizei)

Weyland-Yutani Corp. △

1. Science Div.        

2. Military Div.        

3. Commercial Div. 

USCSS✩Nostromo △

1. Deck A

2. Deck B

3. Deck C

[Board:Game] △

1. Tic

2. Tac

3. Toe

Science Division △

1. Engineer (Math)

2. Technician (Theory)

3. Mechanic (Praxis)

Science Division △

0. Higgs particle

1. Higgs mechanism

2. Higgs {field}

Electrical resistance △

1. Non-phase shifting resistance (Ohm /Ω)

2. Capacitive resistance (Condenser capacitance)

3. Reactive resistance (Coil reactance)

Electrical current △

1. Alternate Current (AC, Analog)

2. Direct Current (DC, Digital impulses)

3. Bi-polar alternating direct current {Combined}

Sectors △

1. Primary sector (Agriculture, fishing, mining, forestry)

2. Secondary sector (Infrastructure)

3. Tertiary sector (Service sector)

Scholar sector △

1. Elementary school

2. Middle school

3. High school

Tri-colored collars △

1. Red-collar job (Government workers, candidate)

2. White-collar job (Office workers, college, bachelor)

3. Blue-collar job (Blue jeans, overalls, or boilersuit hard labor workers)

Economic growth △

1. Rush hour

2. Happy hour (Cocktail hour)

3. Zero hour (Birth #rate zero)

Commercial Div. △

1. High-brand

2. Mid-brand

3. Low-brand

Music △

1. Your music video? You ain't got none!

2. Your lyrics? You ain't got none!

2. Your bridges? You ain't got none!


Trident Trinities 🔱 (East / Middle East / West)

#Lv2 Phishing vs. Pharming

#Lv2 Sickle vs. Scythe

#Lv2 Trident vs. Pitchfork

🔱 Trident / Pitchfork / Prongs🔱

Grim Reaper “reap” human souls with a scythe,

just like the Christian Trident 🔱 symbol means to "fish for human souls",

because it's a symbol for Poseidon (Neptune).

The Trident 🔱is also interpreted as the Holy Trinity △

0A) The Sun (Father)

0B) The Son (Mercury, absorbs seven times as much light as the other planets, hence seven became holy, #lv6 spectral analysis and the seven colors of a rainbow: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Mercury hence was called the seven-folded light. And a triangle △ became a symbol of a #lv6 prism. Hence two numerical highways emerged: The [3:4:7] highway and the [3:6:9] highway.)

0C) The Holy Spirit (Venus)

1A) The Father (Will)

2A) The Son (Wisdom)

3A) The Holy Spirit (Wonder)

1B) The Sun. The ball of burning gas is the source of all (like the Father)

2B) The light is visible to all (like the Son)

3B) The heat is felt, but not seen (like the Holy Spirit or Comforter)

1C) Man's nous (i.e. complete mind and heart; including intellect, creativity, feelings, morality, intuition, etc.) is like the Father.

2C) Man's flesh (both tangible and a temple of the Holy Spirit), is akin to the Son who became incarnate and was filled with the Holy Spirit.

3C) Man's life (or breath) is akin the Holy Spirit.​

[1 Corinthians 13:13] Paul uses the triadic formula of faith, hope, and love △

1. Faith

2. Hope

3. Love

Shiva also with a Trident 🔱 (Sanskrit word त्रिशूल (triśūla))

Three gate•|•ways to Hell 🔱 [3:4:7] (Seven deadly Sins)

1. Lust

2. Greed

3. Anger

1. Creation

2. Preservation

3. Destruction

1. Past

2. Present

3. Future (Sub•|•junctive)



2. Mind

3. Atman

1. Compassion

2. Joy

3. Love

1. Spiritual

2. Psychic

3. Relative

1. Happiness

2. Comfort

3. Boredom

1. Pride

2. Repute

3. Egotism

1. Clarity

2. Knowledge

3. Wisdom

1. Heaven

2. Mind

3. Earth

1. Soul

2. Fire

3. Earth

1. Soul

2. Passion

3. Embodied-soul

1. Logic

2. Passion

3. Faith

1. Prayer

2. Manifestation

3. Sublime

1. Death

2. Ascension

3. Resurrection

1. Satva

2. Rajas

3. Tamas

Religion △ / ☐  (☐: Fundamental)

1. Monotheism

2. Polytheism

3. Holism

Trinity of my life △

1. A father

2. A husband

3. A [farmer]


Marshalship △ (In Danish)

1. Hofmarskal

2. Rigsmarkal

3. Feltmarskal (No retrête option vs. General's prerogative)

Order of the Dannebrog △ (Special class: Grand Commander)

1. First Order class (Grand Cross, special honor with diamonds)

2. Second Order class (Commander 1st Class, Commander)

3. Third Order class (Knight 1st Class, Knight)

Military Division △

1. Army (Martial art [T:K:D] Green Belts qualify for service)

2. Navy

3. Air Force


Military Division △

1. Ideas 

2. solutions

3. competence

ABC-warfare (Science Div.)

1. Atomic

2. Biological

3. Chemical

Weaponry △/☐

1. Light

2. Medium

3. Medium/Heavy

4. Heavy​

Security classification △

1. Confidential

2. Secret

3. Top Secret (NATO Top Secret, Top Hat, Secret Spoke, etc.)

Trinity △

1. Egg Shell

2. Egg White

3. Egg Yolk

Commercial Div. △ (Martial arts, [T:K:D] [태:권:도], Sino-korean reminiscence of totemistic beliefs)

1. Blocks (Low, middle, high)

2. Punches (Low, middle, high)

3. Kicks (Low, middle, high)

Martial Arts △

1. The way of the fist (Exploding)

2. Knifehand (Broken knuckles)

3. Spear hand (Penetrate soft parts of the body)

Cobra Kai (S5E10) △

1. A man can't stand - He can't fight

2. A man can't breathe - He can't fight

3. A man can't see - He can't fight

1. Red belt (Element: Earth, solid, con/#solidation of skills)

2. Blue belt with red tag (Swifty affairs, flying kicks)

3. Blue belt (Ballerina, half- & full circle kicks)

Tiger, junior (Tigers are said to be inhabiting the Taebaek mountains spanning over North & South) △

1. Cup (Element: Earth, color red, triple black #tag)

2. Cup (Element: Earth, color red, double black #tag)

3. Cup (Element: Earth, color red, single black #tag)

Tiger, senior (Tigers are said to be inhabiting the Taebaek mountains spanning North & South) △

1. Black belts (Sun, 1st Dan, Element: Fire, Father, Koryo ready stance)

2. Blacker (Moon, 2nd Dan, Element: Water, Mother, crow stance, diamond block)

3. The blackest of 256 (8 bit) of gray (US) / grey (UK) (Pluto, death) (3rd to 9th Dan) [3:6:9] ^ [3:4:7] (Element: Air, Intellectual Emperor bullshit beyond being a virgin warrior, tiger stance and mountain block.)

Totemistic beliefs △

1. If I was a bird, I would see an eagle in the #mirror

2. If I was a cat, I would see a tiger in the #mirror

3. If I was a dog, I would see a wolf in the #mirror

We believe in the #value of the many so you would never make it beyond being a virgin warrior. Your service was not requested, and now death is the only solution to all of your problems aiming for the Gods, who could only send a Jesus to to look into how to handle the dilemma, before my will by God given would turn into an ultimatum for you and me.

Medieval period △

1. Early Middle Ages (approx. 500-1000)
2. High Middle Ages (approx. 1000-1300)
3. Late Middle Ages (approx. 1300-1500)

States of Consciousness △

1. Sleep

2. Wakefulness

3. Hypnagogia (Characterized by dreamlike #visions and strange sensory perceptions [Borderland].)

Headphones △

​1. In ear (ear budz)

2. On ear (30mm drivers)​

3. Over ear (50mm drivers)

Tools/Weapons △/☐

1. Ax or Axe (cleaving wood)

2. Tomahawk (stridsøkse)

3. Pick axe (used for rocks)

4. Crossed pickaxe

Communication /Terminated! △

1. Personal affairs (loose my number)

2. Private sector (change your phone number)

3. Public sector (last resort!)

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